Skincare Talk: Aiken Product (Malaysia Review)

Hi everyone!

Lama dah tak post anything. I've been very busy with my class, assignments, academic project and others. Sekarang dah masuk study week but i still have submission. Kejap nanti lah buat. Terasa nak update blog dulu. Hehehe.

So skincare talk! Everyone been sharing their skincare routine either in facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube and other platform available. So aku pun nak jugaklah share my skincare routine dulu-dulu when i first terdetik nak jaga skin.

Dulu idgaf about my skin much masa awal-awal diploma until masa dah masuk practical and akhirnya sampai sekarang. So keadaan kulit aku dulu quite bad. Pimples mudah keluar bila aku period, when i didnt wash my face betul-betul and i have jerawat pasir di dahi especially. Banyak sangat. Now, dah takde lagi. Sebelum tu, aku nak inform dulu kulit aku combination, sekarang dah normal lah. Here are the skincare products aku guna dulu mungkin can help korang in deciding which skincare products to try. The first full range product yang aku pakai is Aiken. Aiken product ni yang first aku guna from cleanser to toner, moisturizer and cream. Sunblock je takde. Yep, Aiken is quite affordable and murah for me and poket student ku. huhuhu. Aiken also senang nak dapat, korang boleh dapat dekat Watson, Guardian and Giant. Aeon Wellness pun ada jugak tapi quite mahal lah. Mahal berapa ringgit je.

Source: Google (Shopee account someone)
Aku malas nak ambik gambar lah. Next time aku ambk okay.
From left to right, Aiken Pimple Cream, Aiken Facial Cleanser, Aiken Toner.

Aku still guna semua product ni since aku umur 19 and sekarang aku umur 22. Still setia with this Aiken product. So let's start!

1. Aiken Facial Cleanser.
Aiken facial cleanser ni very delicate and smooth. Bau dia ada bau greentea sikit. Agak nice tapi bagi aku dia punya foam tak sekuat Senka. Kalau Senka, kau letak sikit dia dah boleh bagi banyak foam, tapi for Aiken, kalau sikit kau picit, sikitlah foam dia. Sekarang aku selalu pakai ni bila ada jerawat and when i feel like guna dia. muehehe. 

Rating: 4/5
Repurchase: Definitely
Price Range: RM10-12.
Where to buy: Watson, Guardian, Aeon Wellness, Giant.

2. Aiken Toner.
Okay. Ni fav aku and must have item aku. I've purchase this toner probably for 3 times already. Kalau aku lupa nak bawa, aku memang definitely pergi drugstore and beli benda ni. Dia buat aku rasa segar and nyaman macam tu. Rasa fresh. Compare to Hadalabo toner aku, aku rasa Aiken Toner ni lagi best and it will be the first thing aku apply lepas cuci muka. Sometimes aku guna dengan kapas, sometimes tak.

Rating: 5/5!! (Holy Grail)
Repurchase: Definitely
Price Range: RM6-10
Where to buy: Watson, Guardian, Aeon Wellness, Giant

3. Aiken Pimple Cream
Aiken Pimple Cream than sweep away my pimple and pimple scar! Madly in love with this product! Nice texture, colour putih macam cream biasa. Aku jenis yang suka picit jerawat. Lepas picit tu aku akan letak cream ni and biar semalaman. Esok inshaAllah dah okay sikit. Kalau aku tak picit jerawat tu and directly apply the cream put it will calm down the jerawat. Jerawat yang aku mention ni jerawat yang ada mata tu. Pimple cream ni pun aku rasa pimple cream aku yang ketiga and i still dont have any other pimple cream cause i dont think this pimple cream need other replacement. hehehe.

Rating: 5/5!! (Holy Grail)
Repurchase: Definitely
Price Range: RM10-15
Where to buy: Watson, Guardian, Aeon Wellness, Giant

4. Aiken Moisturizer.
I've purchased Aiken Moisturizer too before. Tapi for me, its too greasy and rasa macam muka aku jadi oily. And at a certain point, muka aku macam keluar small pimple macam tu. Hence aku stop pakai moisturizer dia. Yang aku guna dulu, old packaging and bukan packaging baru macam gambar kat bawah ni. Tapi this product do work on certain people, macam my dad sebab kulit dia kering. Thus, this product depends on skin condition orang tu jugak.
Source: Watson Website

Rating: 1/5!! 
Repurchase: No
Price Range: RM10-15
Where to buy: Watson, Guardian, Aeon Wellness, Giant

Hope this review can provide you with some information on the product. Aku harap semua orang akan jumpa product that is suitable for their skin because everyone deserve to have good and pretty skin. I'll pray everyone will glow in 2019!

Thank you for reading!


All the review made on the products above are truly based on my experience and my skin condition. Products mention works for me might not work for you. This post is not sponsored and all the item is purchased by me.


  1. kalau guna skincare ni...kene beli sekali makeup remover atau boleh pkai brand lagi.....routine tu kene buat pagi dan malam ke?

    1. better remove pakai micellar water utk remove this kind of skincare routine. Yes kena buat siang dan malam wajib. Cuma bezanya malam u letak pimple cream away, siang add on sunblock. Ingat pimple cream pakai malam ja before tidur. Sebab malam bila kita tidur baru dia lebih function

  2. Kalau oily skin boleh ke pakai Aiken facial cleanser plus makeup remover ni

  3. lelaki boleh pakai tak aiken ni ???

    1. boleh , saya pakai , mmg sesuai dengan kulit muka saya

  4. kalau beli tea tree oil compare to pimple cream ok je kan? pernah try tak?

  5. kalau beli tea tree oil compare to pimple cream ok je kan? pernah try tak?

  6. skrg niee saya pakai toner VSL .now nak stop toner tu pastu nak try produk aiken niee bole ke ?

  7. cleanser ni sesuai untuk dry skin tak?

  8. Cosrx has become new popular brand in Malaysia. So love it because of its powerful ingredients such as Centella Asiatica which really moisturize our skin. However, the most loveable product from Cosrx comes to Cosrx AHA/BHA Clarifying Treatment Toner as it will start your skin journey to become glow and healthy with no dull dull skin.


  9. If anyone else is on the quest for radiant skin, exploring the benefits of serum is definitely a game-changer! 🌟 #SkincareEnthusiast #SerumMagic #HealthySkin"


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